Thursday, February 25, 2010

Can we buy a house?

Maybe I should start a blog about how a couple with a few kids might be able to afford to buy a house in Sydney which is not a shoebox, is not falling down and is a reasonable distance from work.

Or maybe not, considering it would necessarily be a one-post blog, with a depressing post at that. Such as this recent article in the SMH about housing affordability.

On a more optimistic note, we managed to get our entry in on time for the 'search for a Smart House family'.
We are genuinely interested in trialling an energy and water efficient house, not simply getting a year rent-free (it would basically mean taking on a job promoting the technology anyway). But oh, it would certainly help.

In the meantime, I am very happy making pots of fried rice and drinking lemon cordial made with soda water and lots of lime slices; clearing out and organising the laundry; and going on 'mummy and daughter dates' separately with my girls.

I hope you've had a similarly lovely week.
(Sorry about the lopsided house, it's really hard to find a flat part of ground in the backyard!)

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Search for a 'smart house' family - last days to apply

I've had bit of a hiatus from blogging, as I've tried to tweak and readjust some of my priorities and the way I spend my time.

But I'm inspired to post news of a hugely exciting opportunity, an initiative of Energy Australia and Sydney Water.

They are looking for a family to live in their 'Smart Home' in Sydney. For free. For one year. As guinea pigs, basically, to give us all a glimpse into how the homes of the future will work for regular families.

The house is water and energy efficient, like others in the fairly new suburb of Newington, but it will also be completely fitted out with a host of energy and water efficient devices, a worm farm, and more. The use of an electric car comes with the package.

The family's resident writer is required to moniter their experience and write about it for the print and online media.

Given my interest in living simply and in a way sensitive to the environment, while also enjoying the good things life has to offer, I am going to apply!

Looking at the fine print it could involve quite a bit of work, but also a lot of fun and it's an opportunity to inspire many people to live more consciously, ethically, and sustainably.

The problem is that I only just found out about this, and applications close on Monday evening. So my husband and I have to get cracking!

If you're similarly inspired you must apply via Energy Australia's online tender process. See

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