Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doing what I love vs loving what I do

For two days everyone has been sick with the flu at our place, except for me. Monday was great, the house was quiet because everyone was sleeping, and I could do what I love doing when I'm at home on my own.

I did a little cleaning (loving the fact that I could do it uninterrupted and things stayed clean), I did a lot of reading, a little writing, and I called up some friends for a chat and to postpone this week's school holiday plans until next week. Pretty much a perfect day at home.

But today, though they are still sick, they are all just that little bit better. Better enough to want hot honey and lemon drinks made, heat packs warmed up, meals brought, DVDs played, stories read, cuddles given, and trips made to the chemist for more paracetamol.

So I couldn't do whatever I pleased today. But I loved what I did.

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  1. A quiet day at home is such a gift isn't it. I love being home alone but I very rarely am. Honey and lemon drinks and chicken soup are my standards when colds or flu hits here as well. Take care Kim..

  2. Thanks for your comment. I must make the soup today, I feel healthier just thinking about it.


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