Thursday, July 2, 2009

People you meet

He used to play professional rugby league, he was a surfer and a cricketer, is still a golfer, and before he entered training for the Catholic priesthood he liked a dance with the girls and a beer with the blokes (actually, he still enjoys a beer).

He's funny and hardworking, and Fr Vaughan has seen a large part of Australia's history since colonisation; 90 years out of 211.

During World War II he ran for his life when the Japanese sent submarines to bomb Sydney Harbour. He has made engagement rings and officiated at weddings, visited the sick, consoled the grieving, buried the dead, cuddled babies, bit his tongue, read poetry, and always said his prayers.

See here for my article on Fr Vaughan in the Broken Bay News.

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  1. Thanks Therese, it's the first in a series for the Year for Priests. I'm really enjoying doing the interviews. I like hearing people's love stories I guess.


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